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Video Conversation Grupal

  Customer: Hi! I'm looking for a new smartphone. I've heard that the latest model of XYZ is amazing. Could you tell me its most outstanding features? Vendor: Hi! Absolutely, the latest model of XYZ is undoubtedly the best on the market. It has the most powerful camera with a 48-megapixel resolution, allowing you to capture incredible photos and videos even in low light conditions. Moreover, its processor is the fastest available in a smartphone. Customer: That sounds fantastic! What about the battery life? I've had issues in the past with phones that drain quickly. Vendor: Don't worry, the battery life on the XYZ model is simply astounding. It features a 5000 mAh battery, the largest in its category, providing you with up to 2 days of moderate usage without needing to recharge. Customer: That's great! Besides the phone, I'm also interested in purchasing a new television. What would be the most outstanding TV you have here? Vendor: We have an ABC TV that is the
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Whats the best suggestion?

  Maria, you shouldn't take advantage of your neighbor's absence to steal from them. Stealing is wrong and you could face legal consequences. Instead, you could explore other ways to raise money for your mother's surgery, such as seeking financial assistance from charities, crowdfunding, or loans from friends or family. Manuel, you should not prioritize the life of a rabbit over the life of a child. You should try to avoid hitting any of them by stopping the car or swerving safely to the side of the road. Jules you must carefully consider the consequences of your actions in both options. Borrowing money from your parents can come with high interest rates and could strain your relationship. On the other hand, making a deal with your friend that involves an embarrassing situation can compromise your dignity and self-esteem. You could explore alternative ways to finance your travel dreams, such as saving money or finding a part-time job. Jeff, you might consider discussing the

My Style

  Bad Bunny is known for his unique and eye-catching style. He often wears brightly colored and oversized clothing, such as baggy hoodies, pants, and jackets. He also frequently accessorizes with chunky jewelry, including chains and rings. His hair is usually styled in a vibrant color, such as pink or green, and is often worn in a wild and spiky manner. He also frequently sports sunglasses and a face mask, which have become signature parts of his look. Overall, Bad Bunny's style is bold, playful, and unapologetic. He uses his fashion choices to express himself and push boundaries, often blurring the lines between traditionally masculine and feminine clothing.

My Blog

      My Obligations I have to pay my bills on time. I have to go to work every day. I have to take care of my children. I have to clean the house regularly. I have to attend meetings at work. I have to follow the company's rules and regulations. I have to study for my exams. I have to take my medication as prescribed. I have to show up for appointments on time. I have to obey the laws and regulations of my country. I have to report to my supervisor regularly. I have to complete my assignments before the deadline. I have to take care of my pets. I have to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating well. I have to be respectful towards others. I have to follow the safety guidelines at work or in public places. I have to treat others with kindness and empathy. I have to be responsible for my actions. I have to be punctual for my commitments. I have to keep my promises. Talk about what i can do I can learn a new skill or hobby. I can spend time with family and fr

Simple Present and Present Continous - Can and Have to - Routines and Future plans

  Simple Present and Present Continuous The simple present tense is used to describe routines, habits, and general facts. It is used to describe actions that happen regularly or repeatedly, such as "I eat breakfast every morning." The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening right now or are currently in progress. It is used to describe actions that are temporary or are in progress at the moment, such as "I am currently studying for my exam." Examples: I brush my teeth twice a day. (simple present) She always reads a book before going to bed. (simple present) They are playing football in the park. (present continuous) He is currently talking on the phone. (present continuous) Can and Have to: "Can" is used to express ability or possibility. It is used to describe what a person is capable of doing or what is possible for them to do. For example, "I can speak Spanish fluently." "Have to" is used to express o

Conversación Verbo

 Angelica 》 Hello Humberto, Do you want to go to disco? Humberto 》where is it? Angelica 》 It's in bombi disco Humberto 》What time is it? Angelica 》It's at 9 o'clock p.m. Humberto 》What day is it?. Angelica 》Is on Saturday. Humberto 》Okey ready we see you on Saturday.